4 Reasons Why Your Bike May Have Low Mileage

 Bike mileage is something that most riders are concerned about as it can affect the overall performance of their bike. There are many factors that affect the mileage of the bike, one of them being its manufacturing and model type. Well-priced bikes like the TVS Ronin 225, among others, have great scope to have excellent mileage. However, it is important to know why your bike’s mileage is not as good as should be. This will help you improve with the right steps. Mentioned below are 4 reasons why your bike has low mileage: -

1.     Shifting Gears Unnecessarily

Not everyone rides their bikes consciously which includes the unnecessary gear shifting. Too frequent or too little gear shifting can affect the mileage of the bike. When a rider mindfully changes the gears, not only the mileage will be high but the bike's performance will be better. Make sure you shift the gears according to the road conditions and the traffic around you.


2.     Speeding and Slowing Down

Another factor that can hugely impact the mileage of the bike is heavy braking and accelerating of the bike. In such cases, whether you have a TVS Ronin or any other bike, the mileage will go down while also affecting the fuel efficiency of the bike. Try to improve your riding style and see how you will be able to increase the mileage.


3.     Poor-Quality Engine Oil

Engine oil is responsible for maintaining the bike's performance, resulting in higher mileage. By using poor-quality engine oil, your bike's engine will overheat and have inadequate mileage. It is essential to top up your bike with good-quality engine oil regularly for sufficient lubrication in the bike engine. In addition to this, you should ensure a timely engine oil refill as suggested by your bike manufacturer.  


4.     Not Servicing Regularly

Neglecting the engine's well-being can result in carbon deposits, wear and tear, accumulation of dirt, and more. Due to this reason, you should service the bike every six months. It is best to get the servicing done from an authorised service centre. Bike servicing is also great if you are planning to use the bike for a longer time. 

By keeping these things in mind, you can improve your bike’s mileage and overall performance. Who knows? You might even end up with the most fuel-efficient bike among your peers!



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